Art production
Every schools are celebrating art production every February. In this event, all of students need to participate in this event. Students in Quezon National High School (QNHS) showed their talent and they show their best because they don’t want to lose.
All students have their own talent, like talent in singing, in dancing and more. In QNHS, they have individual, by section, by grade and by group performances. The event started in parade.
The parade starts on 7:00 in the morning. After that, we gather at the Alcala Sports Complex at the big grandstand. Then the Philippine National Anthem was been played to start the main event. Then, the opening prayer started and Micheal V. Francia, the SSG president lead the prayer. Next, the opening remarks and announcing of exhibit then followed by the Message on National Art Month Celebration.
The performances started by the SPA/SPS/SPED presentation. Then it continued by QNHS SPED, QNHS Brass Band, QNHS Dance Sports, QNHS Rondalla, QNHS Art Club and the Quesinhayaw.