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Far from home, no more

Deped Secretary Leonor Briones addresses current the situation of "Pinoy" teachers going overseas to work abroad.


According to Secretary Briones, Filipino teachers dosen't need to become OFWs (Overseas Filipino Workers) because the salary of public education teachers has increased by "30% to 70% higher than their counter part in the private sector". Even if it cannot catch up with the salary overseas, it is still something to consider on reasons why it would be better to stay in the Philippines then work away from family.


For a teacher to actually go work in a different country, he/she has to resign in his/her job in the Philippines because if it would be a leave for 1 to 2 years to see if it is better to be in abroad then it would be unfair.


That is why Deped and Dole is working together for the teachers. But Secretary Briones says her disclaimer that they might be planning to be a teacher overseas but ends up getting a job in cleaning the house. It can also happen that if one have will be teaching english in a country which is not that good in the language, the teacher still has to learn the native language of the country and only 300 teacher trained are trained in Mandarin Chinese.

Quezon High Generation

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