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A new issue has recently spread worldwide called Dengvaxia. People are alarmed because of this issue, many student died because of this.
The winner for the president is Mr. Lontok, Co for vice president, Abcede as secretary, Llanera won as the treasurer and Ocampo on auditor.

2018 SSG results

Genuine Duty

For seven years in a row,CALABARZON once again emerged triumphant in the recently concluded National Schools Press Conference (NSPC) in Lingayen, Pangasinan—yet another proof that the spirit of campus journalism is still alive and thriving in the region. While it was truly a pro
One of the major problems in our school is bullying. It is the worst thing that may happen to a student like us , especially in school.


Hunger Games

The Rice Tariffication Law has dragged the gate price of palay down to as low as P7 per kilo, affecting millions of local rice farmers who are now among the poorest in the nation.  With barely enough to turn a season’s profit, Filipino farmers are beginning to suffer in the bitter irony of ...
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